Saturday 4 April 2015

I'ts Easter Sunday!

It’s Sunday. The needle scratches to a halt on the turntable, the party balloons bursts and the demons scatter into the corners.

It’s Sunday. Wormwood putts down the shutters at the bar and Screwtape reaches for his notebook; this was not in the plan. 

It’s Sunday and Satan now stands alone on the dancefloor… party hat tilted and eyes wide open the shining handsome prince now almost Gollum like as he crouches and stares in horror towards the tomb.

It’s Sunday. The King of Glory fills his lungs with air, his heart pounding with adrenalin, his eyes fixed and focused as Sarayu twirls and giggles singing spiritual songs. 

It’s Sunday the sound of the stone rolling away reverberates around the tomb as the sun, still low on the horizon, shines into the tome as if wanting to get a  first glimpse of the risen Lord. 

Outside has been dark, empty and eerie… shadows had filled the void and even the trees seemed to bow their branches in homage, but that was Friday; this is Sunday.

Jesus stands and walks composed from the tomb, every step seems to be focused and balanced as he enters into the garden like a gladiator. He lifts his face towards the sun and pauses; the warmth on his flesh, the smell of spring; he lifts his once wounded palms towards heaven and smiles.  There is silence, the angels stand around the garden like warriors returning from battle.  Anticipation fills the air as Jesus speaks just one word from his smiling face.  ‘Abba.’

It’s Sunday and celebrations fill heaven as angels rise up in victory; there has never been a more important victory in all of history. Man has done his worst as sin had left Jesus for  dead, absorbing the wrath of God on a cross; his back tore open, his hands and feet nailed, his lips cracked and swollen…He was dead…but that was Friday. 

It’s Sunday and Jesus the all-time undisputed champion of love turns towards the shadows in the hedges… he wipes his lip and looks at his hand; there is no blood. He stands tall, Sarayu stands at his right and an angel at his left. They await the words of a Champion… ‘Was that you best punch?’
All of heaven breaks loose in cheers as Satan goes flying, the demons are crying and the soldiers are lying; it’s Sunday.

It’s Sunday. Jesus has risen indeed! He has paid our ransom, provided the basis for our justification, flung wide the doors of prayer, our sins forgiven and our condemnation shattered in a billion broken pieces. 

It’s Sunday. Jesus has stretched out his arms and embraced us in love inconceivable, immeasurable, incredible, invincible and irresistible.
The full wealth of amazing grace is available to us: uncalculating, unchanging, unshrinkable, unstoppable, unlimited, unmasked, unparalleled and undeniable. 

The empty tomb gives hope to the hopeless, comfort to the broken, strength to the weak, identity to the confused, clarity to the misunderstood and courage to the fearful.

He has made a way for us to enter into a right relationship with the Father; given us confident access into the Holy of Holies, eternal life, adoption into the very family of God, liberated us from fear, secured our righteousness and joy.

It’s Sunday.  He has poured out the fullness of God on those who receive him as Saviour, Lord and King. The Holy Spirit power of the Gospel is unleashed for every tribe and tongue.
It’s SUNDAY, we are united in him a band of brothers and sisters around the world joined by the resurrection.  We no longer live but Christ lives in us…Today we are his followers, we are united because the tomb is empty. Because it’s SUNDAY we can join together with Sarayu and giggle and dance and sing spiritual songs.
‘It is true! The Lord has risen’ Luke 24:34
Sarayu is the name given to the Holy Spirit in ‘The Shack’
Woomwood and Screwtape are demons from’ The Screwtape letters’.

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