Thursday 24 February 2022

Are the Russians invading Ukraine in Jesus’ name?

Are the Russians invading Ukraine in Jesus’ name? 

Today’s news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is heartbreaking. I’ve taken a little time to try and understand what is going on in the background without simply trusting the headlines of Western news outlets. 

Thanks to Giles Fraser's article for much of the research content mentioned below. 

A Religious war?

Here in the West the harsh reality is that established church is in decline, but in the East it is thriving! Back in 2019, Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, boasted that they were building three churches a day. Last year they opened a Cathedral to the Armed Forces an hour outside Moscow where religious imagery merges with military glorification. War medals are set in stained glass, reminding visitors of Russian martyrdom.

The relationship between the state and the church is much deeper in Russia than we imagine and the consequences of such relationships can be a disaster. 

Growing up in Northern Ireland, the ‘For and God and Ulster’ slogan of the Troubles brought a formidable tension that got very messy indeed.  In America, the current debate on the relationship between state and church is red hot right now. Gregory A.Boyd writes in his book The Myth of a Christian Nation, “If a pastor suggests “America is not now and never was a Christian nation, that God is not necessarily on America’s side, and that the Kingdom of God we are called to advance is not about ‘taking America back for God’”- well for some, thats tantamount to going AWOL.”

I can already sense some of you shifting in your seats to defend your position on these statements, but now is not the place to debate N.Ireland or U.S.A but to shine a light on the situation in Russia and the tragic conflict that is unfolding today.

In Russia, Christianity merges with the love of the Motherland to create a powerful brew of nationalism and spirituality.

Tony Campolo once said, "Mixing religion and State (or politics) is like mixing ice cream and manure. It doesn't do much to the manure but it sure does mess up the ice cream”. It creates a toxic brew as we are seeing once again. Make no mistake, there is much more to understand about this conflict than the one-sided rhetoric turned out by the BBC etc. You need to dig deeper. At the heart of this post-Soviet revival of Christianity is Vladimir Putin. Many people don’t appreciate the extent to which the invasion of Ukraine is a spiritual quest for him. 

A wee bit of history:

The baptism of Rus, (in Kiev in 988) is the founding event in the formation of the Russian Orthodox church. This is why Putin is not much interested in a few Russian-leaning districts to the East of Ukraine. His goal, terrifyingly, is Kiev itself.

He was born in Leningrad, a city that has reclaimed its original Saint’s name, to a devout Christian mother and atheist father. His mother baptised him in secret and he still wears his baptismal cross. Since he became President Putin has cast himself as the true defender of Christians throughout the world, the leader of the Third Rome. One reporter on todays BBC lunch time news spoke of his almost ‘Messianic’ convictions. 

So why is it all kicking off?

Had it not been for Covid I suspect this would have started 2 years ago:

Here is the messy Church politics bit: 

Yes, there are big issues with Ukraine applying to join NATO, and for Russia they have a reason to object, but underneath this is a religious intensity and some very angry church politics. In 2019 the Ukrainian arm of the family of Orthodox churches declared its independence from the Russian Orthodox Church, supported by the nominal head of the Orthodox family, Bartholomew I of Constantinople. This was seen as spitting in the face of 90 million Russian Orthodox Christians, not only in Russia but around the world (especially in Africa). At the time the Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshenko, described this as “a great victory for the devout Ukrainian nation over the Moscow demons, a victory of good over evil, light over darkness”.

Cue: Red flag to a Russian bull 

Strong words! And Putin’s response, writing only last year, “In the words of Oleg the Prophet about Kiev, ‘let it be the mother of all Russian cities’.”

It’s heating up…this all led to an historic split within the Orthodox family with the Russian church rejecting the primacy of Bartholomew, and declaring that they were no longer in communion with the rest of the Orthodox family. Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, denounced Bartholomew as “an American stooge” as people took to the streets  cheering “Thank you, Putin! Thank you, Patriarch Kirill!” 

(Patriarch Kirill or Cyril is a Russian Orthodox bishop. He has called Putin “a miracle of God”).

Mad, innit!? 

So here is the tragedy and reality: A bunch of sanctions isn’t going to make a blind bit of difference. “Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space” Putin said. That’s what this is all about, “spiritual space”, a terrifying phrase steeped in over a thousand years of Russian religious history.

Tragically, history repeats itself. Selfish power over people tries to shoe-horn God into their agenda, but the key message of Christianity sadly continues to fall on deaf ears around the world:

Mark 12:30-31

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.’

Luke 1 makes it very clear who our neighbour is: everyone God put in front of you and I today. 

For the church to be a community that does not need war in order to give itself purpose and virtue puts the church at odds with nations.... The battle is one we fight with the gospel weapons of witness and love, not violence and coercion.


So how do we respond:

To clarify, I’m not saying the conflict doesn’t have political motivation,  nor am I saying Christians should stay out of politics, but there is a deeper narrative to consider. I’m just shining a little more light on the situation so that we can all examine ourselves as well as the issues between Russia and Ukraine. 

As Christians we must remember to keep the Kingdom of God radically distinct from all versions of the kingdom of the world, and we need to pray this Kingdom down everywhere. A Kingdom that calls us to ‘Love our enemies, do good to those that hate you, bless those that curse you, pray for those who abuse you.’ Luke 6:27-29

Finally, a reminder to those who want to use this article as leverage to blame God for a religious war and ‘throw stones’ at Christianity around the world, you are missing the point!  The God of Christianity is a God of peace. It is the evil within a man that starts war and the same evil that stores up weapons and uses God’s name for their own pathetic agenda.

Are the Russians invading Ukraine in Jesus’ name? Maybe but NOT with His blessing thats for sure!

Every war ... with all its ordinary consequences ... the murder with the justifications of its necessity and justice, the exaltation and glorification of military exploits, the worship of the flag, the patriotic sentiments ... and so on, does more in one year to pervert men's minds than thousands of robberies, murders, and arsons perpetrated during hundreds of years by individual men under the influence of passion.


Let’s keep praying, keep learning, keep loving and remember nothing takes Jesus by surprise. A brief read of Bible end times prophesy highlights much of what we see before our eyes each day in world events;  but also reminds us: JESUS WINS



Tuesday 1 February 2022

Happy Lunar New Year??

‘Happy Lunar New Year!’

This is the title to David Beckham’s Instagram post today which currently has 2.6 million likes. 

What do we do with this? Celebrate it? Ignore it? Scroll past it? Mock it? Or is there something more going on…

Maybe you have seen David Beckham’s post or Holly Willoughby’s launch of her new lifestyle brand ‘Wylde Moon’ built around the eight phases of the moon including crystal healing and make-up tips. 

This blog is my journey to the moon and back: 

Christmas shopping in Belfast is a tradition for me. I go alone and aim to have everything finished by mid afternoon. It always starts in the same place, Waterstone’s Book Store where I treat myself to a book and a coffee. That’s my happy place. 

This year at the top of the steps to the first floor there was a display book case strategically placed for all to see. The title of the book case was ‘God is in the details’. The book case was dedicated to Witchcraft, Tarot Card reading, Crystal healing, humanism, Astronomy and moon ‘worship’. As a Christian my first reaction was ‘what a load of guff’! I sought out a bible in the store (they had four hidden away in the corner next to books on philosophy and world religions) and planted it right on top of the book case and took a pic, feeling rather proud of my endeavours.  But as i took a moment to observe, I was shocked at the number of people who were buying this stuff! Middle age couples and teens picked them up and either purchased or took a pic on their phone, probably to add to the Christmas list. I was intrigued and grabbed a copy of LUNAHarness the Power of the Moon to Live your Best Life’. I’d just seen two people pick that one out and I read the back cover. 

Bored of feeling stuck and repeating the same situations, again and again? Luna is your definitive guide to finally making the changes in your life that you've been waiting for: the mystical way.

You can expect a combination of Moon teachings, astrology, rituals, crystals, meditations and Tarot, that you can use to align with the Moon's cycles. Tamara will guide you through Waning Moon Rituals to help you move on from your ex and let go of what's been holding you back. New Moon Rituals to activate some game-changing intentions to make your version of success and happiness reality.

Waxing Moon Rituals to support you to feel more energised and motivated. Full Moon Rituals to help you get a long-awaited pay rise and a love spell for when you need a boost in your romantic

life. You'll learn ways to amplify your intuition to make your life easier and feel confident about your decisions.

Gain a deeper connection with the Moon and ultimately, yourself.

Luna is here to illuminate, heal and transform every aspect of your life with the Moon's power.

It's time to step into your highest potential.

I’ll be totally up front, as I read this, it felt dark, demonic. I prayed ‘Lord what do I do with this stuff?’ I need to know the tactics and dangers of these books and try to understand the culture behind it. . . I took it with me into the Grounds Coffee Shop in-store. Unsure if I should buy it or not I began to read the first few pages. It really unsettled me. I sent a few text messages to people to cover me in prayer and 30 mins later i purchased the book.

Those who know me know I read widely; Bill Gates, The Pope, Gerry Adams, Richard Dawkins, to name but a few, it’s all part of my learning and trying to get a balanced view on things.  But this book is different. True to say, it would be the most demonic book I have ever read. It’s not intentionally evil, it doesn’t have pictures of the devil, Bible passages backward or curse Jesus publicly. But that’s what makes it so dangerous. The devil doesn’t walk into peoples lives with horns and a pitch fork! Who’s into horns and a pitch forks? No he comes as an ‘angel of light.’ (2 Cor 11:14) 

Now my intention here is not a full synopsis or critique of the book. I’m not out to attack the author but to expose the trap of what seems like harmless ways to rest, breath and live a better, kinder life. 

The book is a clever piece of writing, it starts with a story of two girls charging their crystals into the moons, creating smoke rituals ‘to make sure that ghosts of the last year stayed in the past’, they used Goddess Oracle cards, journaling, making lists and guess what… ‘everything on the list become a reality’.

From the first chapter the author makes it clear: this book is for everyone, irrespective of your faith, gender, etc. If you are struggling with self-worth, feel lonely, anxious, just recovering from a broken relationship, feeling vulnerable … this book is for you and ‘Mama Moon’ can help you find your true self. 

‘Communicating with the moon is an opportunity to ask for that you want… the moon is always there to listen’ 

‘Your moon magic, or witchy abilities, is not determined by gender, sexuality, race religion or cultural background. It is open to all.

Come as you are, you don’t need an invitation. You belong to this coven’

From here the book reminds us ‘we are all witches in progress. Let’s keep raising each other up!’ It intrigues you to learning the moon phases, moon signs, lunar goddesses, using crystals, moon rituals, making alters, how to use Tarot cards, your psychic senses, visiting Clairvoyance etc. and all very cleverly wrapped in some tips on journalling (some of these tips are actually pretty good!), girls managing mensural cycles etc., and some nice quotes from people like Beyonce which are taken completely out of context.  

This book is clever at luring people, especially young people, into a dark world. Now some may say: its harmless… but like Halloween and many other things, you must ask yourself a question: do you believe in a spiritual realm? If yes, are there good and evil spirits? If yes, then what kind do you think you attract from having a coffin in your front garden and skeletons in your window at halloween? Or from standing in the darkness ‘bathing’ in the moon light, meditating on a tarot card chanting ‘Om’ to free your mind and open a ceremony of moon worship. 

Luna / moon worship is for everyone, it’s inclusive, not judgmental, its peaceful, loving, spiritual, fosters community, and wellbeing. 

In fact, everything that Christianity should be! It’s a classic counterfeit, but what is most challenging for me is that as Christians we need to ask ourselves why people are attracted to this more than Jesus? 

With a growing celebrity fan base its market is growing. David Beckham’s instagram post at the time of writing has almost 2,000,000 likes. 

So how should the christian world respond to moon celebration/ worship 

Five things 

1, Know this is demonic. Don’t be under any allusions and try to butter it up as harmless. ‘Your Daughter burning incense in her room, crystals in the window sill and pulling Tarot cards is NOT harmless. And think twice about ‘emptying your mind’ in yoga at the gym. 

2, Be encouraged and see the opportunity, people are more open to spirituality in the post-modern culture than we realise. Ask people ‘are you spiritual?’ What does this mean to them? Do they believe in good and evil spirits? Have conversations about spirituality and pray for them. Remember have a greater Spirit. The Holy Spirit who offers abundant life in Jesus name. 

3, For those who are involved in moon practices / worship, educate yourself a little with the culture and rather that an aggressive attack, lovingly point them toward the God who made the moon. 

4, We need to find a better way to let the world see that Jesus is the way the truth and the life (John 14:6) and that Jesus is the Lord and King of the supernatural. 

5, Pray. Pray for our children that they will not get lured into a spirituality that is not Jesus centred. Stand in the gap and pray for our children.