Friday 30 April 2010

Jose Mourinho worship

Hello peeps, this little blog is simply a response to the picture seen on the left.

As the 'Special One' arrived back in Milan the response at the airport was breathtaking! After a victory over Barcelona in the Champions League semi-final the reaction of fans was one of worship. It is almost 40 years since Inter Milan was in the European Cup final and Jose had led his team in a defensive master class. Well done Inter Milan, well done Jose.

The words of Pilate as Jesus stood before the crowd seemed very appropriate for the above picture...'Behold the man.'(John 19:5)

Pilate's declaration as he presented Jesus wearing a crown of thorns and purple robe to the crowd was miscalculated at best. For Jesus was much more than a man, Jesus was both man and God, the mystery of the incarnation is perhaps seem best at this moment before His death. Fully God, yet surrendering His divine power and authority.

Jose Mourinho on the other hand is not divine. Jose Mourinho isn't Jesus, he isn't perfect and a 'touch of the hem of his garment' will not bring with it any special blessing. Of course he does not claim to be Jesus, however to adoring fans the self proclaimed 'Special One' walks a very fine line. The scenes of worship in the airport are the response of an emotional night of football but in the cool light of day, Jose and all his fans must plant their feet firmly on the ground. He is a man.

The passion of football fans the world over will be seen in the coming months in South Africa during the World Cup. Young and old will be glued to television screens wearing the colour of their favourite team. Let's all enjoy it but don't get carried away... No player or manager is perfect and there are much more important things that deserve our attention and worship.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Leaders training notes/outline at Newtownbreda baptist

Leadership lessons from King David

A lack of leaders is found in our society everywhere. The outline below is taken from a leaders talk at Newtownbreda Baptist (12th April 2010) and is part one of a six session study on leadership…

Introduction: Read 2 Samuel Chapter 9 verse 1-13

Background to story… this is a brutal time in the History of Israel some 3,000 years ago. Saul and Jonathan had been killed in battle and it was customary in those days to seek out and destroy any remaining family members.
Jonathan had a son called Mephibosheth and during the battles a nurse had fled carrying him in her arms and dropped him (2 Sam 4:4). As a result of the fall he was now crippled in both feet. He lived in Lo Debar, a barren place. Geographically it describes the condition of his life… physically, mentally and emotionally.

1, as leaders we need to be people of integrity, people of the covenant and people who keep our word.
For some reason David remembered the covenant he had made with Jonathan and he acts on it (verse 1). What promises have we made? Are there things that we said we would do that have been left undone? Integrity is about honesty and wholeness; it involves completing those things we said we would do.
Let’s not be leaders with empty words… I am sure we can all think of disappointments when a leader has not kept his/her word… make it our goal to a leader of principal.

2, as leaders we need to be people who are willing to connect with, bless and restore those who are not our type.
Ziba the servant is quick to point out that Mephibosheth is crippled in both feet (verse 3). Notice David did not ask his condition, but Ziba felt it important to mention, perhaps hinting that Ziba was not the right kind of person to have around the Royal palace. However, David a man of grace, a man after God’s own heart is willing to bless and welcome in those who are different.

Leaders too often invest and connect with only those who are like-minded. The result is that the expression of their leadership is two dimensional and bias towards a particular persona. Let me give an example… At our summer camp if the sporty leaders only connect with the sporty kids where does that leave the others? How does the non-sporty kid feel? If our leadership only invests in those who are ‘our type’ we are missing the beauty and power of diversity. Just look at Jesus disciples and those who were members of the early church!

Let’s look for people to bless, people who are not necessarily our type. Watch out for those who feel isolated, or ‘left out’. Thanks God that His love is for all people ‘Red and yellow, black and white…’

3, as leaders we need to be people who intentionally bring people to the Kings table.

David not only blesses Mephibosheth but he gives him a seat at the kings table like one of his sons. (Verse 11). Once Mephibosheth is sitting at the table his brokenness is covered, from the waist up he is just like everyone else.
We need to be leaders who not only have integrity and show blessing to others but we must seek to bring them to the Kings table; in other words, seeking opportunities to bring people into a relationship with Jesus. Mephibosheth seen himself as a dead dog but he found value at the kings table; likewise it is in a relationship with Jesus that we find our value.

We can be great role models and good life coaches but we will never be great leaders unless we are leading them to the Kings table.

Sunday 4 April 2010

Easter Sermon Notes/Outline , used in Donegal 2010

Read the Easter story from the Gospel of John (Chapter 19: verse 1 - 30 )

The Easter message of Jesus has three basic ingredients:
The Cross
The Tomb
The Heart of mankind.

On Friday the heart of man was at its worst and most empty; the tomb had yet to play the leading role and was therefore empty. But the cross was full.

1, The cross was full of love - 2 Cor 5 :19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.
Since God is love, we can see that 'Agape' Love was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.
Reconciling. Definition: To restore relationship, to make things right which have been broken.
Five times scripture uses this word when speaking of the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus.
The Cross was full of love as Jesus died to 'make things right which have been broken.'
There is no more powerful a symbol of love than the cross. The bible says, greater love has no man than this; than to lay down his life for his friends.

2, The cross was also full of forgiveness - Luke 23:34 Jesus said on the cross 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do.'
If I know nothing else of Jesus but this one prayer - if I know nothing of his teaching but this matchless plea for mercy, I must adore him.
Why did Jesus die on the cross? The forgiveness of sin (Is 53:6+7)

Jesus died on a cross to take upon Himself the sins of the world. The heart of man was empty, the tomb was empty but the cross was full.

On Saturday the heart of man is still empty, the cross now stands empty and the tomb is full.

1, The tomb is full of expectation. Jesus said 'Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days so shall the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth' (Matt 12:40)
Jesus, referring to himself said he would rebuild the temple in three days. The prophets of old had also spoken of a day of hope and a new beginning...
There was great expectation in the tomb.

2, The tomb is full of preparation. This was not the end of Jesus, this was not a time of rest but of preparation. The Spirit of God was moving over the corpse... All of heaven was in that tomb... Sunday's comin'!

On Sunday the cross is empty, praise God the tomb is empty and man's heart can be full.

He has risen! Christ has risen, He no longer dwells in a tomb but the heart of man. Jesus Christ will be in one of two places in your life... He is either knocking the door of your heart, or He is in your heart!

Jesus bring with Him love, forgiveness, expectation and preparation and places them in our hearts.

We can know the love of God - a love that surpasses anything the world can offer. Our value system is no longer based on how the world thinks of us but how we are deeply loved and valued by God. God's love for me defines who I am.

We can know the forgiveness of Jesus - you can be forgiven - your sins cancelled out and a new start in your life because of the cross. Jesus 'paid in full' for every sin.

We can have our hearts filled with expectation - Phil 1:6 says 'He that begun a good work in you is faithful to completion.' God hasn't finished with you yet! That's good news. Today there is joyful expectation in our hearts... what has God got in store for us today?

Our heart should be filled with preparation - this same Jesus who died on a cross is coming again. Next time He will not enter the world in a manger, ride a donkey nor wear a crown of thorns. When Jesus returns he will enter in victory, ride a white horse, and be crowned with many crowns - Rev 19 :11-16.
Our hearts should be filled with preparation for that day. Jesus tells a parable in Matt 25 of the wise and foolish virgins. Five of them had made no preparation while the others had their lamps trimmed and oil ready for the coming of the bridegroom.

It's Sunday, the cross is empty, praise God the tomb is empty and my heart is full.