Sunday 18 March 2018

The Evangelist who led me to Jesus: Roger Carswell

On the 5th October 1992, in Albertbridge Congregational Church, Phil Mitchell (my brother) and Steven Baxter shared their testimony. Evangelist Roger Carswell then preached a message: ‘You must be born again’.

I was 19 years of age and sitting towards the back of the church. I knew what I needed to do...

That night I took a little booklet entitled The Journey in Life by Norman Warren and prayed asimple prayer inviting Jesus to be my Saviour and Lord.
My life was transformed.

Today it was great to meet up again with Roger Carswell the evangelist who pointed me to Jesus. (I’m holding the poster used in 1992 to advertise the week long mission I attended.)

Thank you Roger Carswell MBE
(Mighty Bold Evangelist)

Below is the text from the prayer I prayed that night.
You could pray the same prayer now and invite Jesus to save you.
Why? Because you must be born again.

Lord Jesus Christ, I know I have sinned in my thoughts, words and actions.

There are so many good things I have not done.
There are so many sinful things I have done.

I am sorry for my sins and turn from everything I know to be wrong.

You gave your life upon the cross for me.
Gratefully I give my life back to you.

Now I ask you to come into my life.

Come in as my Saviour to cleanse me.
Come in as my Lord to control me.
And I will serve you all the remaining years of my life in complete obedience.


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