Monday 28 March 2011

What is your religion? census 2011

Firstly I think the census should be taken seriously and we should all endeavour to write accurately and honestly. However the question 'What is your religion?' will irritate some people…
Thousands will follow facebook groups and others writing 'Jedi' 'heavy metal' etc.

In response to anything religious they will do what millions have done before them... kick back, mock and rebel.

Other questions on the census are clear to identiy and answer:
Male or female, how many rooms in your house, what is your date of birth etc... this is generally ok for us to answer but religion? Now you're getting under our skin, you are looking at the condition of persons faith, failings and frustrations. People don’t like that… It’s making them think about the questions and subsequent questions that they usually aviod like swine flue. Maybe they should have a box called ‘mind your own business peeps!’

The questions made me uncomfortable at first glance...personally I don't like to identify myself with the word religion. I have a relationship with Jesus but the word religious is loaded with things that I generally don't form to.

So what do we do with it?
My primary school teacher used to say "The key to answering any question correctly is understanding what is being asked."
What is your religion is a 'loaded question' particularly in Northern Ireland!

What is being asked?

Deputy Director of the 2011 Census, says "the question 'what is your religion?' aims to discover general affiliation not practice." In other words this question is not about belonging, it’s not about believing, it’s not about practice, or any of those things, it’s about just whether people feel they align themselves with different religious persuasions.

The question is looking to find some broad values that society shares. The key dimensions for survey and census questions about religion are affiliation, practice and belief. The Humanist society are up in arms saying that the question gives no indication of actual religious practice, involvement, belief or belonging of the population. They have a point but that is not what the census is looking for? As a Christian I could equally complain that the question does not go far enough but lets just be honest in answering it in context.

Finally remember ticking a box Christian does not make you a Christian. But neither does going to church every Sunday.
Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus, it's about discovering that Jesus is everything He claimed to be and that he alone can bring us into the peace, purpose and presence of God.

let's try and answer the question openly and honestly.
It was never the intention of the census to look at things at a deeper but maybe you and I can take a moment or two to actually stop and think...
What do I believe? and does my lifestyle back this up?

Monday 21 March 2011

Men, evangelism and camouflage

Men posses this amazing ability to hide... and Christian men are no different to others.

Maybe it’s something from our childhood, we enjoy the fun of hide-and-seek and role playing…

We have this ability to be a different person at home, in church, on the football field and at work.
I have worked with men who blend very well into their different environments; acting tough, boast about their bench press and curse like a truck driver…

But at home, in front of their wives butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth... “Yes dear… no dear… sorry dear. Would you like some more tea dear?”... It’s like a different person!

I have met men who are active for Jesus on a Sunday …
…but disappear on a Monday

We hide; we blend into our surroundings and as a result the message and life of Jesus is lost…

Many men are looking for something real and we hide it from them. Young men are searching for a true friend, someone to trust, a role model, a father figure and they can’t find any…

Why do we compromise the message of Jesus and blend into the background?
Because we are scared. Almost all of our excuses can be put into one word… FEAR.

May God help us to overcome our fear, stop being invisible and stand out from the crowd.

May we become men of courage, men with a backbone who will wash off the paint, stand for truth and let the world see that Jesus lives.
There is no place for the Christian to hide…
except behind the cross.

Matthew 5:14-16 (The Message)
14-16"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.